Saturday, May 11, 2013

Brining: It's not Rocket Surgery

From roasts, chops, all the way down to your Thanksgiving bird, brining is the best way to add a tremendous amount of flavor with very little effort. Brine baths are well known methods that chefs use to flavor and tenderize various cuts of meat. Sorry Gordon Ramsay, your mother %#!@ing secret's out, pal.

Don't get antsy. A brine is nothing more than a salty water bath used to preserve food.
NERD ALERT: Within the meat's preservation, the salt triggers the muscle tissue and breaks it down, thus tenderizing the meat and causing it to absorb all of the flavor you have submerged it in. 
The best thing about brining... it's fool proof. If you have salt, water and a large enough vessel to house whatever cut you are brining AND can keep it in the fridge overnight (or somewhere cold so it doesn't get funky) you're golden. If it's a large roast or bird, the key is to start the day before.
Smaller cuts of meat and poultry can be brined for 30min-2hours.

Here's what you'll need:
 drumsticks, lemons, basil, garlic, peppercorns
  • 1 Large container- something that your cut of meat will fit in, submerged.
  • Salt- I use kosher salt or pickling salt. 
  • Various fresh herbs, lemons, garlic, peppercorns, onions... whatever your little heart desires. 
  • honey 
  • Water
  • Ice 
  • cold place 

In a medium stock pot add your salt, whole peppercorns, 1/2 cup honey (optional) and 2 cups of water. Let it dissolve and come to a boil. Add it to your container with your lemons, herbs, garlic, etc. (I don't even peel my garlic. I slice the whole bulb in half and throw it in) Next add a pitcher of ice and the remaining cold water. 


Submerge your meat of choice into the brine bath, cover, and let it sit in the fridge. When you are ready, prepare your cut of meat or poultry however you wish. You won't need any extra salt unless you are making a rub for ribs or a roast. If you want to know how to make Chipotle Grill's delicious carnita's, check my fake out recipe: Fake Out: Chipotle Grill. Guess what? They use a brine. Olè! 

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